Why God? The Collective Conscience of a Nation Calls Out! The question expressed in the title may be the most frequent inquiry in all Christendom. With the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the collective conscience of our nation is asking, why? Most people who believe in a spiritual being in charge of all […]
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Authenticity Dispelling the Illusion of Perfection Those Lousy Sinners What does a Christian look like? How does he or she act? Someone once said, “a Christian is not perfect, just forgiven.” We […]
Who Is On The Throne of Your Heart? Buzz off buddy, she burnt you last night! The setting was a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Disciple Training School that I was leading in rural Virginia. A young lady named Kim had arrived at the training center with a set of conflicting affections. Kim and […]