For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints (Hebrews 6:10 NASB).
In this verse Paul affirmed the brethren in their Christian service, but very carefully set a pattern for their service. He says that God will not forget their work and love, but then adds, “which you have shown toward His name”. God must be first.
Although we always serve people, our motive must be to please Him. Any service must be born of God’s will and accomplished in His way. Otherwise it is just our good works. If you quit serving because you are not recognized or treated badly by those you serve, it probably shows you are serving man and not God. It is evidence that our service is out of order, first man and then God.
The commentator Matthew Henry once wrote, “No works are right works, which flow not from love to Christ”. If our works are not initiated in His will, accomplished in His ways, and motivated first and foremost to please God, they will eventually evolve into a form of Christian humanism, which tries to show that we are good and not Him.
Pray with me. Lord help you me to serve you and you along. In everything I do for man, help me to look past them and see You.
Ken Barnes the author of “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places” YWAM Publishing
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Exactly, why we serve is so important. Thanks for your comment.