Sharp Tongues and Deadly Arrows

They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows.They shoot from ambush at the innocent; they shoot suddenly, without fear. (Psalms 64: 3-4 NIV)
As Christians, it does sometimes feel as if we have a bull’s-eye on our backs.   We seem to be often dodging cruel words like deadly arrows.  Their motive may be malice, but there may be a more foundational reason.  They misjudge the character of God.
As believers, it is sometimes true that we receive criticism as a consequence of our wrong actions.  For most Christians, though, the reproach we get is not because we are guilty, but because we are innocent.  The commentator Matthew once wrote, “The better people are, the more they are envied by those who are evil, and the more evil is said about them.”  Yes, the evil intentions of peoples’ hearts motivate them to attack righteousness, but there may be a deeper reason for these verbal assaults.  Verse 5 says, They encourage each other in evil plans, they talk about hiding their snares; they say, “Who will see it?”  They exhibit a disbelief in an all-seeing and all-knowing God.  Believing God does not see their evil deeds and therefore will take no action deceives them into assuming they will have no responsibility for their actions.   The wicked believe they can, therefore, say whatever they want.
Never forget that God is not mocked, in spite of tongue of the unrighteous.   The very words they have spoken will be turned against them (Psalms 64: 8-9).   Though God tarries, he has not forgotten you.  Christ always has the last word.  Though you feel the sting of sharp tongues and deadly arrows, the Lord will plead your case in heaven and earth.

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Ken Barnes the author of “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places”  YWAM Publishing
[email protected]

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