God is Still on the Throne


And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)
Human nature craves certainty and predictability, but Covid-19 has the world anxious because we are uncertain and unable to predict the future.  God is the only one with whom we can have absolute certainty that he holds the future.  In times of global crisis, there is a God in heaven who is still on the throne.
Human beings like to have control.  We avoid situations and circumstances where we cannot dictate the outcomes.  At times God allows events to come upon us that are beyond our ability to constrain or avoid.  It seems to me that people in times like these, even Christians, tend to over-react or under-react.  We try to do everything or nothing.  We should do the possible and allow God to do the impossible.  The possible as trying to implement good health practices such as washing our hands, social distancing, etc..  These are necessary and good, yet we must realize God is our only safety and protects us as He sees fit.  
Remember we are told not to fear those who can kill the body but not the soul (Matthew 10:28). Whether we are infected or not, God will never leave us nor forsake us.  When we try to do the impossible, we lose our peace and fear starts to take over.  Do what you can and trust God to do what you can’t.
God is not in Heaven wringing His hands over Covid-19 nor is he unconcerned.  God has a sovereign plan that sometimes does not look so pre-determined.  Yet, God is still good and in control.  When the infections rise, the deaths increase, there are dire predictions about the longevity of the virus, remember, that God is still on the throne.
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Ken Barnes, the author of  “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places”  YWAM Publishing
Email:  [email protected]
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Blogs: http://kensblog757.blogspot.com

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