The Pilgrimage

What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord,
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
(Psalms 84:5 NLT)
Those who have their mindset on a pilgrimage are able to come through the ups and downs of the Christian life stronger than ever.
Our Spiritual Journey
The life of a believer in Christ is not a sprint, but a marathon.  Someone once said that the problem with the Christian life is that it is every day.  The victorious life in Christ is not won primarily on the mountaintop, but in the consistent and faithful decisions we make in our everyday lives.  God provides us with mountaintop experiences to motivate us onward, but it’s the mundane and almost imperceptible choices that keep us on the path to our eternal reward.
I once had a friend who owned a small airplane who told me he always took off into the wind. He said it was the thrust of his engine against the wind that gave the lift to make his aircraft airborne.  In ancient Israel, people made pilgrimages to Jerusalem.  They often experienced danger and hardships on their journey.  It will much the same for you and me in our spiritual journey.  We will sometimes pass through the “Valley of Weeping” (v.6), yet, God promises to make us stronger (v.7) if we keep our eyes on the prize.
Israel desired to arrive at Zion, their Holy City, which enabled them to endure the perils of the journey.  Perceptive is everything.  If you and I keep our minds and hearts inclined toward Christ, the mountains will seem less daunting and the valleys less imposing.  God will grant us the strength and endurance for the pilgrimage to Heaven, our Eternal City.  
The image used with permission by Microsoft.
Ken Barnes, the author of  “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places”  YWAM Publishing
Email:  [email protected]
Ken Barnes’ Book Site

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