Satan answered the Lord, “Does Job fear God for nothing? (Job 21:6 NLT)
Satan asked a question about Job that every believer must eventually answer. The inquiry questioned Job’s motive. Religious people down through the ages have dwelt on what they have done for God and ignored why.
Love is always based on what we give and not receive. Christ’s example of love for us is exemplified by his giving his very life for us. Inherent in Satan’s question to God, is the suggestion that Job loved what he got from the Lord more the God himself. The enemy was questioning Job’s motive. The implication was evil, but it still needed to be answered.
I have observed that people who are serious about loving and serving God most always go through a period where God seems to take and not give. People, like Job’s counselors, will be adept at pointing out your flaws as the reason for your trials. They may be right about your faults, but wrong about their being the reason you are suffering. Job teaches us that life is more than a cause and effect relationship. Job was suffering not because he was unrighteous but righteous, and so might you be.
In this story, there are two high points of Job’s character. When Job’s wife says to him, “Curse God and die” (Job 2:9) and he replies, “Shall we accept good from God and not accept adversity?” (v.10) Also, when Job says, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him” (Job 13:15). If God is not good all the time, he is not good at all. God never causes evil, but he does sometimes allow it to touch us. Are you suffering my friend? God may be asking you the ultimate question.
Image used with permission by Microsoft.
Ken Barnes the author of “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places” YWAM Publishing
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